Greetings, data travelers!
Megfault and Zeri are getting really old again, and therefore they want to - surprise surprise! - organize a (geriatric) party.
Because we failed to ask the plenum on time, we will hijack the organization of the next chaotic start of the weekend (as you might have guessed by the title of this email) and feed you and water* you. That is the 25th of January at our dear W17 in case you are lost in the space-time continuum.
There will be drink in moderate amounts as well as some healthy, fiber-rich vegan oven-roasted vegs, followed by decadent diabetes-inducing waffles with all the toppings you love. If you want to help us old cripples, feel free to bring some extra noms. Drinks will be fully sponsored by us, so no need to bring more. (This is probably the sanest advice you will ever get from us.)
Now... because we didn't ask anyone beforehand, we promise to tone it down this year. It's just a regular open chaos with a bit more food and drink than the others. No need to panic. No one will be puking their guts out. We might also bring some "normal" people (not too many), because, well, it's open chaos, right? ;-)
xoxo, zeri and megfault
* water stands for any liquid we may provide instead