---- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von Rami Muleys ---
Von: Rami Muleys An: Rami Muleys Betreff: PHDays everywhere CTF at your hackspace Datum: 2016-04-12 09:51:41
Hi all,
Writing this message to inform you that PHDays everywhere initiative is open for registration. We are happy to see your site\ hacking space\ university among PHDays everywhere sites and make them available for visitors and members for the activities which we provide. (CTF, security quiz, live video conference and interaction with speakers
This year the Positive Hack Days will be conducted 17-18th of May. Please visit for more info. Attached you can find an overview of the activities we are offering to the sites and hacker spaces wishing to join us.
If you are interested to join us please let me know, I will be glad to help you with the details.
Best regards,
Rami Muleys
---- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht ---