(wahrscheinlich wird die Mail aufgrund fehlendes keys nicht gescheit durchkommen... bitte weiterleiten..)
Im Mai findet in Leipzig der diesjährige "'Wireless battle of the mesh" im SubLab (http://sublab.org/) statt. ( http://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV7 ) Ich werde vorraussichtlich an dieser Veranstaltung teilnehmen und wollte mal fragen ob jemand aus der Gegend DA-DI gleiches im Sinn hat oder jetzt erst Lust bekommen hat. Vielleicht ergeben Fahrgemeinschaften/ Schlafgemeinschaften/ Sonstiges.
Eckdaten (aus dem Wiki für alle die zu faul zum Link anklicken sind):
*WHERE* The BattleMeshV7 will be held at *Leipzig, Germany*. The testing / hacking / talks will take place in the sublab http://sublab.org. It features one large room with a separate stage corner for talks as well as a smaller room for discussions, a smoking room and several other smaller rooms. Expect to find nice WiFi http://battlemesh.org/WiFi internet connection (Freifunk and Sublab Wifi), hacking gear, video projector, a beer garden outside, and some curious hackers.
*WHEN* The event takes place on the following dates: *Monday 12th to Sunday 18th of May 2014*
In brief: We will deploy a wireless mesh network over the campus, run different routing protocols on top of it, perform some tests and see which routing protocol behaves better. (More Infos about the firmware: BattleMeshV7/Firmware http://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV7/Firmware)
Side activities will be organized. Workshops and talks on wireless topics are on the time table:
Announcement: BattleMeshV7/Announcementhttp://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV7/Announcement
Call for Talks: BattleMeshV7/CallForTalkshttp://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV7/CallForTalks
Agenda: BattleMeshV7/Agenda http://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV7/Agenda Side Events: BattleMeshV7/SideEventshttp://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV7/SideEvents
So far... and thanks for all the fnord!
- Cyberphobie (aka the guy formerly known as CLIT-Commander)