Better late than never, apologies for delay...
Warning: Denglish & unicode ahead! :-)
· . • ° ★ Plenum 2019-08-15 ★ ° • . ·
Protokollant: megfault
1. [andi-, hexa-] 15min' Nichtzahler ausmisten.
- Antrag:
- Wie geht der Vorstand derzeit mit Nichtzahlern um?
- Der Vorstand soll aktiver Nichtzahler ausmisten
- Plenum:
- According to §5.6 the Vorstand can terminate a membership if the member has not paid their fees over at least one year, despite a Mahnung.
- Proposal:
- send a Mahnung via email every accumulated month that is unpaid
- after 6 months missings fees, the Vorstand attempts to contact the member personally and reach a solution
- after 1 year missing fees, terminate membership
- There is a point about the Verein not wanting to start a Mahnverfahren out of principle. The member would simply be removed from the list.
- If the ex-member returns and wants to rejoin, either they pay the missing amount, or the Vorstand might decide to set their debt to 0 (or not accept the member at all).
- Einstimmig angenommen
2. [dondon] 1min' Ich hätte gerne Schließberechtigung
- Plenum:
- There is one person against it.
- There is a precedence case where there was also someone against a member getting Schließberechtigung.
- The Vorstand overruled it and approved it back then.
- Acting differently now would be inconsistent.
- The Vorstand will meet and discuss; this topic is postponed.
Cheers! (。・ω・。)ゞ